The benefits of a Sole Mandate

Category News

Sellers sometimes think that listing their properties with multiple agents will result in more exposure to more buyers, that they will achieve a better price and that the property will sell more quickly. In reality, the opposite is often true.

There’s no doubt that estate agencies will invest more of their time, money and effort on properties for which they hold a sole mandate. Properties where there is an open mandate (more than one estate agency) simply don’t get the same attention as properties where there is a sole mandate.  

It’s unlikely, for example, that a property being listed by multiple agencies will have its own marketing plan. Instead, it’s more likely merely to be added to the general portfolio. Estate agencies spend up to 90 percent of their advertising budgets on sole mandates – after all, why advertise a property when there’s a good chance another agency will pay to advertise it?

A sole agent is also more likely to put in more effort. They’ll spend time with you to understand your situation, do their best to achieve a higher price, give you regular feedback and be fully accountable to you. They’ll look for genuine buyers and not waste your time by bringing buyers who don’t qualify for a property in your price bracket to view your property.

You also won’t have the hassle of juggling appointments with different agents or having unannounced visits at inconvenient times. From a security point of view, having a sole agent also means one person has access to your property.

Another point to consider is that having multiple agents can make you look desperate or make it look like your property is a difficult one to sell. Relying on a sole agent makes your property look that much more exclusive.

There really is no substitute for the trust that you should have in your estate agent. After all, you are entrusting them with what is usually your biggest asset.

To discuss the benefits of appointing Upton Properties as your sole agent, including our Service Guarantee, please phone us on 021 683 0008 or click here to drop us an email.

Author: Uptons

Submitted 31 Mar 14 / Views 6136